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Congrats! You Survived 2023! Now What?
If you have school aged children, you’ve probably been dragged to a book fair after conferences to look at all the super cool and...

End of Year Fundraising…is it Time to Panic Yet?
Every year around this time, I usually hop on the phone to call clients, colleagues, and nonprofit leaders to give them horrible news:...

Everything sucks right now. And that's ok.
Welp. The world is on fire and we're still having teams meetings. Seems like that shouldn’t be a thing, and yet, here we are. But when...

5 Steps to Getting a 100% Donor Retention Rate for Your Nonprofit
Have you dared look at your final end of year numbers yet? Did you look at them through your hands with only one eyeball peaking out like...

3 Unique Ways to Ramp Up Your Gratitude Game
Ok, we all get it. You have to say thank you for gifts. Your parents and teachers probably drilled that into you as a child, or somebody...

I’ve been involved in the nonprofit community as a leader and as a fundraisers for nearly 20 years. And in that time talking with other...

4 Friendraising Events to Plan for 2023
Did you know that you can throw an event for your nonprofit that has NOTHING to do with asking for money…but everything to do with...

Bilbo Baggins: Hobbit. Adventurer. Fundraiser.
Over the past few weeks getting ready for, and starting our conference tour, I’ve had very little downtime to enjoy watching ANYTHING on...

5 Things the BEST Nonprofits Do to Raise Money
This week, we celebrated 5 years in business at Do Good Better Consulting! And besides taking a bit of time to pick up cupcakes &...

Your Guide to Managing a Fantasy Fundraising Team
Tonight, the NFL season kicks off. Which means, for the next 18 weeks, I get to suck at managing 3 Fantasy Football Teams and basically...

It’s Dangerous to Fundraise Alone…Take This!
Listen. I hate to be the one to remind you – but there are 121 days left in the 2022. 4 months. I’m not sure the musical RENT had a song...

This Blog Sucks...And Other Things About Your Nonprofit Content That Aren’t True.
I posted an adorable picture of my daughter on Facebook last week that got lots of comments, likes and dopamine inducing things the...

Stop Asking for Money! Do This Instead!
A few weeks ago, my nephew thought it would be funny to pick up a garter snake and chase me around the yard threatening to throw it at...

Change Starts Here. Together.
Growing a small nonprofit is hard. Growing a small business is hard. Turns out, the frameworks for process, clarity of messaging,...

Top 3 Ways to Avoid Work at Your Nonprofit
It’s the summer, and who on earth wants or needs to do nonprofit work?! Here in North Dakota, we have approximately 3.2 weeks of perfect...
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