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How to Retain Your Nonprofit Employees During a Recession
If you think the Great Resignation was bad, you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. If you’re at all familiar with our vibe here at Do Good Better,...

Nonprofits are in big trouble. Or are they?
Nonprofits are in big trouble. At least according to the most recent poll conducted by the research firm Campbell Rinker and sponsored by...

Top 5 Things I’ve Learned Hosting 200 Podcasts with Nonprofit Leaders
We celebrate our 200th Podcast Episode today! Here are the Top 5 Things I've Learned from interviewing amazing nonprofit leaders!

Fundraising With the "R" Word
Here's a hot tip for you: Don't look at your 401k today. Oh, and your crypto wallet? I might avoid that too. Considering the uncertainty...

Do You Feel Guilty Raising Money?
I had a chat with a client this week about feeling guilty raising a significant amount of money from a single donor - as they thought...

Are You Begging and Bargaining with Donors?
I had a proposal rejected by a potential client this week. And even though that’s not an out-of-the-ordinary experience in the day in the...

Bracing for the Word "No"
This week I got adult braces. No, not the comically large metal ones that my kids have, but the invisible-should-be-a-lot-easier-to-deal-...

My Dad’s Cancer is Gone…Because of YOU.
In 3 hours, I get to hug my cancer free dad for the first time. This brutal journey he’s been on for the past few months is nearly coming...

Service Above Self Care
A lot of organizations have “Service Above Self” as one of their core values. Employees are seemingly expected to give more than they get...

Get Yourself a Morris Buttermaker
I’m sure you can tell by any photo you’ve seen of me, that clearly, I’m a finely tuned athlete. If you needed additional evidence, look...

Other Nonprofits Are Better Than You
This week, I’ve had a LOT of conversations with nonprofit leaders about how they feel behind, overly stressed and have already lost their...
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